How to hypnotise yourself + 5 tips

Self-hypnosis could turn out to be one of the most helpful things you ever learn about. When you’re in a state of self-hypnosis, your mind becomes highly focused and concentrated. This lets you control yourself better and avoid things that negatively impact your life. Your mind becomes more relaxed and doesn’t struggle with stress or tension. The effects are similar to practicing meditation and can bring positive results to your life.

There are three stages of self-hypnosis, and you should already know about the first stage.

Stage One – Getting Ready The first stage is all about preparing yourself. Put on comfortable clothing that makes you feel at ease. Avoid tight clothes or anything that won’t keep you comfortable in the current temperature. Then, find a comfortable place to sit for your session. Make sure you’re in a quiet space with full privacy. Don’t let anyone disturb you during this time. Before you begin, decide what results you want from your session. Do you just want to reduce stress and relax? Or do you want to break free from some bad habits that have been difficult to overcome? Spend some time thinking about what you can achieve.

Stage Two – The Process The second stage is when you actually start the self-hypnosis session.

Now that you’re comfortable, close your eyes and try to clear your mind of any thoughts. Just relax without worrying about anything. Don’t stress over this; focus on letting thoughts pass by. Your mind won’t become blank instantly – that takes practice. Over time, you’ll improve, so focus on the present moment.

Release the tension from your body. Do a body scan. Begin with your toes and move upwards, feeling each body part. Imagine stress washing away as you focus on each part. Then, move on to the next. Afterward, your body will feel lighter and less tense.

Now concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in slowly and deeply, then exhale slowly. Picture the breath you inhale as positive energy. Picture the breath you exhale as pushing out negativity.

Imagine you’re at the top of a staircase. Halfway down, the stairs are under cool water. Imagine yourself walking down from the top. As you reach the water, step in slowly and feel the cool water. Walk down to the bottom step, letting the calmness spread through your body.

At this point, you should feel like you’re floating. Here, address your problems and desires. Speak positively to yourself. Think about your issues and what you want instead. Speak confidently to yourself. For instance, you could say, “I am calm and positive.” Keep doing this as you float in the water. The experience depends on your imagination as you move through the water. Repeat the positive statements you want to come true in your life.

After a while, start walking up the stairs again. As you leave the water, you’ll feel a bit heavier. Stay there until you’re stable and relaxed, then walk up the rest of the way.

Take a moment to open your eyes slowly as you finish the visualisation.

Stage Three – The Outcome The third stage involves using your session to its fullest. Self-hypnosis isn’t just about the few minutes of the previous stage. You need to let it affect your life. Believe that it will work and that your positive statements will come true. It takes time, but it becomes effective quite soon.

Imagine the positive things you want. When you visualise them happening, it’s easier to work towards them. Keep practicing this type of hypnosis until you reach the stage in your life that you desire. You can work towards any goal and achieve it. Be patient and persistent; it won’t work instantly, so keep practicing to improve. The results will come soon enough.

5 tips for practicing self-hypnosis The practice of self-hypnosis isn’t a modern technique. As you probably know, it’s been around since the early 1900s. Self-hypnosis originated in France with Émile Coué, a French psychologist and pharmacist who popularised the technique of conscious autosuggestion, also known as Couéism. To practice this method, patients repeated a phrase daily, both morning and evening. The phrase was like a mantra, focusing on improving daily in various ways.

Émile Coué believed that changing unconscious thought processes with imagination was the only way to overcome troubles, both physical and emotional. Visualisation techniques were most effective in a state of trance, bypassing the conscious mind. The subconscious mind greatly influences how we perceive the world and ourselves.

The power of visualisation lies in its ability to reinforce new thoughts in your subconscious. If you repeatedly tell yourself that you’re capable of achieving goals and ignore negative thoughts, you pave the way for success. Belief in yourself is crucial for success; if you want to practice self-hypnosis through visualisation or enhance the process, here are some simple tricks:

Tip #1: Use Guided Imagery Imagine scenarios that make you happy, like a tropical beach or a cozy fireplace. Go beyond just the location or situation; include details, feelings, sounds, and smells. Make your visualisation detailed for the strongest impact on your subconscious.

Tip #2: Visualise How You Feel Visualise not only the scenario but also the feelings you’ll experience. If a situation makes you nervous, visualise being calm and relaxed. Practice this daily before the event, and on the day itself, transport yourself to a calm state.

Tip #3: Maintain Faith Believe in your visualisations and ignore self-doubt. Make your visualisations feel real to increase belief. Feeling at peace enhances confidence, so make your visualisations as lifelike as possible.

Tip #4: Practice Regularly Practice makes perfect even in visualisation. Study photographs to improve your ability to recall details. This helps your mind experience emotions tied to the images, deepening your self-hypnosis.

Tip #5: Take Action When your confidence grows during self-hypnosis, seize opportunities to turn visualisations into reality. Your subconscious will learn from positive actions, reinforcing the process.

By following these tips, you can immerse yourself in powerful self-hypnosis sessions.